"Happy are they, in my opinion, to whom it is given either to do something worth writing about or to write something worth reading; most happy, of course, those who do both." Pliny the Younger-Letter to the historian Tacitus. C. AD 106
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Dhanpatmal Annual Day Function-2010
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Celebration of five years of the Dhanpatmal Hindi E-Literacy programme
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Save the Tiger!
They tell us to save the tiger! But why do they
turn a blind eye to the poaching of Tigers?
They say the Tiger is our National Animal,
So Shera is the mascot of the Commonwealth
Games! Tiger ,Tiger, in death you serve as an
Aphrodisiac! You are our National export to
serve the needs of impotent people. Tiger
Tiger, what can I do to save you? I covet your
Territory to build my homes and my industries!
Tiger, tiger make way for me, I am the Tiger of
today’s concrete jungle! Your growl has turned to
a whimper Of a child crying for his mother
who will not return because poacher uncle has shot
her dead! Tiger, tiger,you are more valuable dead
than alive! Your body-Parts fuel the avarice of men.
Tiger,tiger you are History, you are another Dodo!
I am stronger than You, make way for me,
An impotent human being
who fuels his sexual drive through you, I have a gun
Which will show who is King, its growl is
Louder than yours! Tiger tiger make way for
Me, the new Lord of the World!
Your days are numbered, I am greater
Than you, the new Lord of the Jungle!
This is a self written poem by me I hope You liked it! Aircel, thank you for reminding me about the plight of the Tigers in India. Their
Advertisement is a poignant reminder of the plight of the tiger which is our National Animal! Unfortunately, Project tiger is a miserable failure, and today we have very few tigers left in a
country known for its tigers!