Saturday, 8 March 2025

The Bar-headed Geese Have Arrived!

Yesterday, Friday, the 7th of March, after a rather disappointing visit to the Sultanpur National Park, I decided to visit the Najafgarh Lake Zone at Chandu Budhera. On reaching the lake I was pleasantly surprised to spot hundreds of Bar-headed Geese! It was even more surprising to see them reach their nesting ground so late in the winter season. I spotted these birds in the month of November 2023. Incidentally, I did not spot any of these birds in 2024.

The late arrival of Bar-headed Geese in the Gurgaon district could be because of climatic disruptions, change in weather, and availability of feeding grounds. It is also pertinent to note that the birds that once could be spotted closer to the city have now chosen to visit wetlands that are farther away. The Sultanpur National Park rarely hosts Bar-headed Geese and the Basai Wetland is no longer a wetland.

Bar-headed Geese are fascinating birds. They are capable of flying long distances all the way from central Asia, Tibet and parts of Russia and Mongolia. Bar-headed Geese can fly at great heights were there is hardly any Oxygen to breathe. Last but not least, they are amongst the greatest navigators in the world!

Their late arrival in the district of Gurgaon, in Haryana could be because of unfavourable weather and climate conditions. Strong head winds, lack of food, and global warming might have impacted their migration to India. Yes, it is unfortunate that their stay will be marred by the approaching summer season.

Bar-headed Geese are now forced to seek other more lush and better resourced areas than the Sultanpur National Park and the now defunct Basai Wetland. It is a matter of great concern that human industrial activities, conversion of wetlands into residential areas, and the general apathy of various organizations has resulted in these birds switching to other locations. The reduced number of Bio-diversity hotspots, lack of wetlands, is driving away migratory birds from the plains of Northern India. This has implications for us. A reduction in water resources and forests, the vanishing green areas are bound to have a future impact on the livability index for human beings.


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Meltdown-A Poem


People rush past a narrow path

Knocking each other on the path,

Their minds on the task ahead,

They barely register others.

A meltdown has taken place

A role-reversal between machines

And people. People do the hard work

Machines find time to rest!

People rush down a road so dark

That leads to a future so stark!

Of their own making is the world

A role reversal so rude.

For so would they meddle with

Science, thus making a machine with

The will to rule! And thus they head to

A meltdown of all things so good.

Countries fights for control

Over resources so scarce, to rule

Over the poor would be their role.

While machines watch thoughtfully!

Thus they said, 'Let them fight,

What good did they do the earth? What

Good have they done to themselves?

Let Earth rid herself of them!'

Sadness rules the world harshly

 And people lose their sense of humanity.

Goaded by pride and vanity, they hurt

One and all, just for supremacy!

Children pore into textbooks,

To be the best, to excel in exams,

In a world where rank and marks

Matter, humility makes an exit!

Even machines wonder at such

Harsh competition, the desire so much

To outshine one  another, so that they

Trample into dust love and empathy.

As humanity goes into a meltdown,

All human feelings get shut down.

Humanity copies machinery while

Machinery becomes more human!

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Competency Based Questions for Lessons from the Vistas Textbook

 Answer the following questions in 120-150 words each.

Marks Distribution:
Content: 3 Marks
Grammar+Expression: 2 Marks
Total 5 Marks

1. You are Charley, from the story ‘The Third Level’. On one of your trips to Detroit, you come across a girl named Sophie. Draft a conversation with her describing your ability to travel back and forth in time.

You may begin like this:

You: Hello, Sophie, do you believe in time travel?

Sophie: No, I have heard about it but not to the extent of believing it.

You: Let me tell you about…………

2. Sam just landed in Galesburg in 1894. Draft a diary entry on his behalf regarding his first day in the city.

3. You are one of the Surgeons who operated upon the Tiger King. Draft a Diary entry for the day you operated on the Tiger King and were not able to save him. Describe the events that immediately followed the operation.

4. The British officer’s wife has just received fifty diamond rings from the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram. Draft her letter to her sister Jane in London about the rings, and the circumstances that led to the Maharaja sending them to you.

5. You are Mukund Padmanabhan, draft an interview with Tishani Doshi regarding her recent trip to Antarctica. 

You may start like this:

Mukund: Good morning Tishani, tell me about the Students’ on Ice Program?

Tishani: Good morning, Mukund, it is a program that offers students an opportunity to visit Antarctica.

6. Tishani Doshi has just returned from her trip to Antarctica. Draft her letter to her friend, Hana in Mumbai describing how she felt about the trip.

7. On behalf of Tom, the American Sailor, write a letter to Dr. Sadao and Hana expressing your gratitude for saving his life. You boarded a Korean fishing vessel and were able to reach America after the war was over.

8. You are Dr. Sadao. Complete his letter to the Chief of Police reporting the whole matter of Tom's presence in your house. Begin the body of the letter with the following opening lines: “On the twenty-first of February, an escaped prisoner was washed up on the shore in front of my house.”

9. On behalf of Derek, write an article describing how you were able to overcome your fear of the scar on your face and moved on in life. What are your suggestions to others who suffer from a poor self-esteem based on a poor body image. Use the title: ‘Overcoming Handicaps in Life’.

10. Derek’s mother has noticed a positive change in her son, Derrick. She writes to her mother to describe the transformation. Write a letter for her.

11. Zitkala-Sa travels to modern-day Chennai where she meets Bama Faustina Soosairaj. Write the conversation that took place between both of them based on their perceptions of the exploitation of marginalized communities by mainstream communities.

You may start like this:

Zitkala-Sa: Good day, Bama, what are your thoughts about the emancipation of lower caste citizens in your state?

Bama: Good day, Zitkala-Sa, well, we still have a long way to go. Education has helped, but progress is slow!

12. You are Bama, write a diary entry for the day you witnessed an elder carrying a packet of ‘Vadai’ for the landlord who was overseeing the threshing of wheat.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

A Visit to The Pratapgarh Farms by Members of the Church of the Epiphany, Gurgaon

Members of the Church of the Epiphany organized a picnic to The Pratapgarh Farms at Jajjhar on the 22nd of February, 2025. It was a day of singing hymns and prayers while on the bus, and joyful fellowship. The day at the venue passed rather quickly what with all the activities taking place. The exotic foods were a main draw and these included Sarson ka Saag, Makki ki Roti, Bajra ki Roti, Bajre ki Khichri, and the Lemonade that was just right. 

After a one and a half hour of travelling and numerous hymns, everyone was famished, so on reaching the venue, everyone rushed to the counters for a sumptuous breakfast. Sitting on the traditional Chowki's waiting for the piping hot Rotis and the Saag to be served, along with bites of Jaggery was indeed a rewarding experience.

The activities were varied and everyone tried a hand at Archery, Air-rifle target practice, and Catapult target practice. Trying a hand at churning butter, or getting the hands hennaed was engrossing enough.

We were also able to spot a few amazing birds and domestic animals. Among the most exotic domestic animals that I was able to spot was the Majestic Mahesh, the King of Gir Bulls.

Spotting the famous Kaddaknath Rooster, Emu and Guinea Fowls was a most amazing moment.

The static displays of the Mig 21 aircraft, missiles (that some of us launched) were interesting beyond description.

A few vignettes from the visit

And on the way back.....

Eco-Tourism, and Farm Tourism are emerging trends in sustainable tourism associated with providing employment to numerous people living in the area. Produce from farms is used to provide meals that are served in house. Incidentally Pratapgarh Farms in Jajjhar is a prime example of an industry that is providing not just a suitable opportunity, a complete package for families and corporates to chill out, but also an occasion for people to sample traditional foods, handicrafts, attire, games, thrills and spills in responsible manner.