Monday 14 April 2014

Easter Lilies- A Poem

Bright red, the first lilies sway in the wind, reminding one of
The day, when many years ago was reborn one who
Had been hung on a Cross to die with two others!

But what would I learn from such an event? The
Meaning of His rising out of the sleep of ages,
Lamb reborn to herald the Re-Birth of Man!
For the forgiving and kind Lord did sent His very own
To be Sacrificed for the forgiveness of all mankind,
That they might be granted a new eternal life.

This new pair of Lilies just blossomed, white as the snow, now
Holds the fort  as they nod  with kindness   to welcome the
  Resurrection  of their maker,with  a colour so pure!

While all prepare for the sacrifice of the lamb,the
Easter lilies sway in the wind, not red but white,
A sign of good things to come, a gift from high!

For surely does the white colour of the  Lilies proclaim
The end of bloodshed and violence; the start of a new life,
A life free from the original guilt, a fresh start for all!

If red does stand for death, would not white stand for the purity of the soul?
Serenity incarnate, a symbol of the kindness and love of a loving Father,
Of peace and truce, they herald the reign of the Prince of Peace!

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