Tuesday 25 January 2022

Gaia on Life Support - A Poem


She lies on her back, monitors beeping insistently,

Her veins clogged with sludge created by one selfish

Being. She gasps and chokes on smoke so thick,

So foul, so pungent, wondering why he would want 

To harm her so!

The rivers that slaked her thirsty fields now move

Sluggishly, as dark as tar, too thick to flow, the air

That carried with it scents so sweet, now carries a stink

Of rotting carrion, and burning garbage. Alas! One she

Fostered harmed her so!

She lies on her back too weak to move, her life ebbing

Away. Gaia, they called her, mother Earth, supported of

Life, but stabbed her in the back for a few gold coins.

She wonders why the ones she loved most would want

To harm her so!

Lying on her back too weak to move, she drifts into a

Deep sleep, dreaming of a world where the fresh air

Was laced with the sweet scent of flowers, the streams

Glided, as clear as glass, white clouds scudded across

The clear blue sky.

The world was then a garden of paradise, where all

The beings lived in perfect harmony, watched by a

A smiling cherubic Gaia, in all her glory handing

The gifts of life, health, joy and prosperity to all.

And she smiles in her sleep.

Mother Earth, they called her, Man and Woman,

And she bestowed them with the responsibility

Of protecting, preserving her garden from blight. 

It was a green world with blue skies, crystal streams

And white clouds.

She smiles in her sleep as she remembers the world

Of her dreams, her cheeks brighten, and her heart-

Beat steadies. She breathes better, taking deep breaths

From the cylinder that stands by her side. A deep resolve

To mend things gone wrong.

She will punish those who had betrayed her faith in them.

She will send the temperatures soaring, unleash tidal waves,

Drown proud monuments that dared to touch the sky. She

 Will teach the Man and the Woman whom she trusted a lesson.

She is Gaia, kind yet firm!

In her dream, now strengthened with new hope and resolve,

She makes her decision to restore the world to its rightful

Tenants, the birds and fish, butterflies and whales, animals

Shrubs and orchids. And she will banish those that betrayed

Her, she is Gaia, benevolent and just!

For unless you be like the animals, birds and trees you harmed

Mankind will never be forgiven by her! Gaia, the life-force of

The Earth can never forget what the world was before Man took

It for granted, and she will set it right even if it means burning it

To make Phoenix rise from its ashes!

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