Sunday, 9 February 2025

Amazing Moments Captured As a Wildlife Photographer

An Antelope passed my path photographed by Sanjay, my brother.

I was able to photograph some of the unlikeliest moment yesterday when I visited a National Park in Gurgaon. This was a photograph of a Cormorant relieving itself after a heavy late night meal!

Yes the white trail that you see in the above photograph is a sign of a good meal that the Cormorant must have had the previous night. I was there at the right moment and the right place to see this amazing moment, (respect to the bird in its private moment).

The Cormorant, however appears in all its glory in the warm tones of the winter sun. I was able to photograph it as it spread its wings!

One of the most amazing sights was to see Northern Shoveller fighting off its sibling from the nest. I guess, sibling rivalry exists in birds too!

Spotting one Owl can be a great achievement, but then spotting a whole family can be a master stroke! I was lucky enough to capture these rather unique photographs of a family of Owls! It was an amazing moment to be able to photograph this family of Owls even as they regarded me. 

Capturing the ubiquitous Asian Antelope can be a rewarding experience, but then photographing a pair in close proximity can be even more rewarding!

One of the joys as a wildlife photographer is to capture moments that speak volumes about the beauty of nature. It is indeed a most fulfilling opportunity to photograph nature in its splendour!

There are instances when you don't get to photograph birds in flight, but then being able to photograph behaviour of birds and wildlife in their intimate moments can be most rewarding!

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