Saturday, 1 March 2025

Meltdown-A Poem


People rush past a narrow path

Knocking each other on the path,

Their minds on the task ahead,

They barely register others.

A meltdown has taken place

A role-reversal between machines

And people. People do the hard work

Machines find time to rest!

People rush down a road so dark

That leads to a future so stark!

Of their own making is the world

A role reversal so rude.

For so would they meddle with

Science, thus making a machine with

The will to rule! And thus they head to

A meltdown of all things so good.

Countries fights for control

Over resources so scarce, to rule

Over the poor would be their role.

While machines watch thoughtfully!

Thus they said, 'Let them fight,

What good did they do the earth? What

Good have they done to themselves?

Let Earth rid herself of them!'

Sadness rules the world harshly

 And people lose their sense of humanity.

Goaded by pride and vanity, they hurt

One and all, just for supremacy!

Children pore into textbooks,

To be the best, to excel in exams,

In a world where rank and marks

Matter, humility makes an exit!

Even machines wonder at such

Harsh competition, the desire so much

To outshine one  another, so that they

Trample into dust love and empathy.

As humanity goes into a meltdown,

All human feelings get shut down.

Humanity copies machinery while

Machinery becomes more human!

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