Having been assigned to sit at the venue of the Cicada branch of the MUN, I could see a number of students, all indicative of how grown-ups would be more likely to behave at the United Nations Organization. The sleepy-eyed logistics reps, the loudest of them shooting technical jargon, smartly dressed executives, (one of the reps tells me that the Cicada organisation is the most 'boring' of all organisations) it all spoke volumes about how effective MUN programmes can be in exposing school students to actual organisational scenarios.
It felt great to silently look at the ones who would carry over their arguments, thanks to loud voices, others who would like to blend in, literally changing perceptions and attitudes to fit into the popular, accepted trends. One of the girls coming in and asking who was the girlfriend of one of the reps was, (not knowing that I was sitting quietly in the corner) and then suddenly the other girl telling her to keep quiet, gesturing towards me. There is a method to the madness, especially when young minds are pitched into real life situations and they are expected to make decisions that would impact the whole world. The entry of one of the student leaders of a debating club I once overlooked gave me hope that there would be some semblance of order. I waited for some order to set in but noticed that even fifteen minutes after I had arrived they were yet to settle down.
Finally, the vice-chairperson settles down, the Chairperson hasn't yet arrived, the Rapporteur Whatsapp to the rescue, call them up, wonder if they are delayed by the traffic at the United Nations. Statements and observations are shared, the Vice-Chairperson takes the stage, a feedback takes place, one of the delegates suggests that the committee doesn't really seem to know what to do. Ah, finally the Chairperson has arrived!
Wondered if they were really aware or had any clue about what is really was being discussed! The Vice-Chairperson steps in with some advice that it would be better not to go into troubled waters if the matter is too "intellectual". One of the logistics members appears to ask if anyone might have lost an Id Card. One of the members just stepped in thirty-five minutes! We really need to teach our future leaders a lesson in punctuality.
All of a sudden the routine breaks down with members asking about lost ID Cards, lack of Wifi access, charging points, members suddenly getting up, moving around, the sudden silence in the room, finally somebody comes up with a point of argument even as he lisps, two more members arrive, ah somebody talks about "round Robins" a vote takes place, you can't abstain, passes, the snacks arrive, a thank you to the person bringing in the samosa, the Vice-Chairperson opens the floor for a discussion on the "crisis" enquiry, proposals fly in the air, there are timorous queries, a point is hardly made before there is a clapping, voting takes place members lift up placards rather mechanically,....more snacks arrive, I am wondering if Nagar has brought tea, my faculty is on the upper floor!
Somebody arrives to know which member has lost his/her placard. Some more drinks arrive, some kind of a green shake, all of a sudden they remember "crisis update 5" and then they remember "crisis update 6". One of the girls advises the others to finally move to the solutions. Gosh, they are talking about an "artificial intelligence" that is threatening to take over the world. This "Hostile intelligence" according to one of the young energetic members might be harmful to Cicada! A young energetic boy gets up to make his point. Young members exchange thoughts and observations. They need to decode the cypher, he talks about a journey into the realm of shadows, they need to locate Pandora, he is talking about hidden locations. Name of Pinocchio pops up all of a sudden and I am jerked out of my sleepiness, all of a sudden another lisping member talks about Raven as a writing desk! Member 20 doesn't wish to speak, member 18, finally member 5 talks about an "anomaly", a member of the Press arrives, a zoom lens attached to a Nikon. Member 20 asks if she might speak later, but is told she cannot. Member 16 finally talks about Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, my Gosh! Is it about Greek Mythology or is it that Percy Jackson rules their minds. Programme Deucalion appears to be a dangerous programme indeed. Finally, member 20 stands up and enquires whether Deucalion was related to Prometheus. My goodness Project Deucalion is likened to a programme for cleansing Humanity! Another one talks about Noah! Was Pandora the daughter of Deucalion? She was a Robot?
Umm, I guess I need to get myself a quick cuppa tea, Nagar must have left the tea, will be right back!
I'm back. After asking the members to talk about the dangers of human extinction, for which quite a few members refuse to speak, one member turns up with a spirited member talking about whether there is a need to preserve Project Deucalion. Point of clarification, shadows and intelligence are related? The member argues that project Deucalion cannot save humanity! So now they are talking about time travel, Alice in Wonderland, are we allowed to make personal statements? Surprisingly yes!Feels really great to know that literature matters, especially books by Percy Jackson and Lewis Carrol!
Whew, the original Chairperson finally arrived! one of the members asked if he was feeling well! I am a jolly good fellow!.... wonder if.... well the headache might be indicative of a late night! How much can one cram! The flow goes on, with a lot of holding of the head.