Sunday 28 April 2019

Heritage School Session End Celebrations

Session end was a two-day affair for some of us. On the 25th Pushkar organised snacks for all those who had taught grades 11th and 12th. We had Khandvi, Piaz ki Kachori, and Rasgullas. Besides the delectable snacks, we had a reflection session too.

Session end celebrations concluded with a grand finale at the Crown Plaza on the 26th of April,  with delectable gourmets and an amazing ambience that enthralled everyone. For me, it was an occasion for working on my pancake lens (40mm STM f-2.8). Everyone had prepared for this event as was evident from their change of couture, and a freshened-up visage – all so good for portraits!

Of course, once we started digging in, there was less to say and more to eat, the oohs and ahs came with each bite of a morsel that brought out the taste-buds singing! The smoked Salmon literally melted in the mouth and the fish in cream was simply out of the world. There were literally scores of us browsing through the cornucopia spread before us. The deserts, the canapes, the salads, the hummus, the tarts, the salami, the bacon, the olives, both black and green, the halwa (that I really didn’t have the space to consume), I could go on and on, but then, OK, back to the point!

This time there were about seventy-five of us and so there was more space for us, to explore the dishes. The visit to Crown Plaza was preceded with games and quizzes in the Physics Lab. The guess games were tough as we found it difficult to guess the right answer. The team tasks were typically tough and interesting too. I opted out of the task of threading the needle (what with my weak eyes) and instead opted to flip the paper-cup (which did not work out fine though Anubhav gave me permission to return to my team and pass the baton!).

The best thing of all? It was Garima’s birthday of course! So, we joked and asked her what she had planned for the day, and she jokingly told us that she invited us for lunch at the Crown Plaza in Gurgaon. When we asked her about the menu, she replied that it would be a surprise!


  1. Lovely pictures Mr.Rodrick! Thank you! Rita

  2. Wonderful pictures sir 😊 Thank you.

  3. Great pics Sir! Thanks a lot.
