Thursday 4 April 2019

Why Journalism?

Just today when I met my Journalism students after a gap of a fortnight, I wondered whether I should take up a new topic when suddenly it struck me that I had not asked them why they had decided to opt for Journalism in the first place! I had incidentally been taking Journalism with them since grade eleven as a Work Experience option and now they were in grade twelve. I, therefore, thought it would be a good idea for them to write a brief essay on why they wanted to learn journalism.
While I gave some of them a brief feedback after they were done, the rest I told that the feedback would be forthcoming. Having talked so often about how empowered the common man is thanks to internet-enabled devices like the smartphone I decided to give them overall feedback through a blog post. I had exhorted each one of them since grade eleven to start a blog, and most of them, I am proud to state, have blogs!
Unfortunately, most students believe that Journalism is a piece of cake and that it is more about desktop publishing. The fact, however, is that most journalists need to rough it out in the field and then it is only after proving one's mettle in the field that one moves up the ladder. Most of the students had written about how Journalism was their "passion" though they were aware of the criticism and ridicule that some articles received, they were also honest in stating that they were interested in taking up Journalism because they had read a powerful article that had opened their eyes to reality.
For many of them, the subject of Journalism gave them the opportunity to express themselves. For others, it was all about being aware of the events taking place around them and all over the world. They felt there was a need to connect with people around the world, through their blogs. Some felt that through their blogs they would be able to bring about a change into the world, noble thoughts no doubt!
A large number of students believed that by taking up Journalism, they would be able to polish and improve their written expression and they would be able to experience "the power of words". Thankfully, a great number of students believed that "words are the strongest weapons in the hands of mankind"  especially as they could start and end wars. A few of the Journalism students believed that the subject would help them overcome their reticent nature, self-consciousness and shyness. They believed that studying Journalism would have a therapeutic effect on them and that they would be able to transcend the sense of "embarrassment" they felt when others criticised them when they expressed their opinions. One very touching and honest answer to the question, "Why Journalism?" was that the student had chosen Journalism "to become the voice I couldn't [be]". The student went on to state that the choice was based on the need to "get over the fear of being scared to speak."
Yet another response was straight forward and honest enough as "It is only that we choose certain things because they excite us!" the student chose Journalism out of a sense of curiosity, and the "possibility of engaging with a cause and writing about it after having done proper research," (That student would surely become a feature writer as a Journalist). The student expressed the desire to "know more" about the world and "find a place in the world!"
Another student believed that Journalism was much more than a subject or even a profession. The student believed Journalism was a "right" of expression that could be exercised by everyone. For that student, Journalism was a tool that could teach one the skill for reaching out to a larger audience. For yet another student the choice was taken out of a desire to "explore" the world. 
One phrase that struck me really hard was that "Journalism is the perfect amalgamation of pragmatism and creativity." This showed that that student felt that the subject would help ground him or her. For another, it was about "a quest for truth" and a desire to avoid, floccinaucinihilipilification or looking at something as being worthless.
While the adage of the pen being mightier than the sword has become passe, what with the key-pad and touch-pad taking over, the fascination with the power of expression remains one of the biggest reasons why the students had decided to take up Journalism as a subject. The desire to "inform, influence, express" seemed to be the greatest motivations for taking up journalism. It was out of a desire to be "heard and understood" that they had come to me for direction! For one of the Science students who had taken up Journalism, (a student interested in Quantum Physics) it was all fed by a desire to learn the art of "describing facts with authenticity," and "being true to myself". Another, talented photography enthusiast who has a food blog stated that he had even considered getting a degree in Journalism thus making it a full-time career!
For many of the respondents to the question Why Journalism? it was all about something that interested them, it was about finding their voice, shedding their fears and inhibitions about expressing themselves to a larger audience. It was about empowering themselves with skills of expression and finding ways to overcome their shyness.
Perhaps the most direct and conclusive reason for joining Journalism classes in the first place was, 'I've found Journalism to be more than a component of media and communication. Attending Journalism classes helps me express myself clearly and concisely. I have learned to synthesize contradictory information, ask questions and record the answers accurately." This in itself is the aptest description of what is expected from a Journalist. So many of the students believed that studying Journalism somehow empowered them to be Citizens of the twenty-first century. It taught them the meaning of sound Digital Citizenship, it taught them to respect their freedom of expression and use it accordingly.

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