Friday 29 July 2022

Take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place

The metaphor of the phytoplankton is in fact a metaphor for existence itself! The parable of the phytoplankton states that the health of the ecosystem of the entire planet depends on the health of the smallest things like the microscopic phytoplankton that exist at the base of the food pyramid. 

By studying the Phytoplankton we can see how even the smallest of changes in the environment can have grave repercussions on the wellbeing of the planet. Phytoplankton are not just an important source of nutrition for larger aquatic creatures, but rather they also play a pivotal role in absorbing excess carbon dioxide thereby maintaining the health of the global carbon cycle. A further depletion in the ozone layer will affect the Phytoplankton which in turn will affect the lives of all marine animals, birds and ultimately, us human beings.

Thus, we need to act accordingly to protect the health of the Phytoplankton. By doing so we will be taking a positive step towards protecting the health of the planet. Our existence on this planet depends on many factors, one of which is the health of the Phytoplankton. Think about the Phytoplankton and then you will find solutions for the bigger problems affecting our planet.

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