Wednesday 10 August 2022

Don't lose your Magic! - A Poem

 Don't lose your magic dear facilitators, (I see
Them rushing down corridors with anxious
Expressions on their faces, not even noticing
Me.). And all the while others amble around
With never a concern on their faces to see!

Wonder what's brought about this reversal of roles
Where facilitators face the threats of deadlines while
Their learners enjoy the privilege of freedom - they
 Come to learn to enjoy the company of friends
While their mentors continue to juggle roles!

I have seen bright  faces  lose their shine, missing
A spring in their step, replaced by a shuffling
Dance, balancing, laptops springing wires and
 Cables, books and papers ( See how well connected
they are!) everything is all over the place spilling!

Alas, they have such short lives, they burn
Out like tapers before the night's end, a short
Life, unfortunately, pale ghosts that flit along
Corridors, anxious to reach destinations before
The bell rings lest they should end up in an urn!

To enlighten young minds  requires  magic
Others can't ape, they say excellent tutors spin
A spell to bind their learners to work on the task.
But then, one would need a smile on the face, to
The spell work, along with, in the sleeve, a trick!

As for laptops, springing wires and cables, fling
Them out before they rule your lives! Lackeys will
Use them to impress the uninitiated with coloured
Pictures and movies that freeze the sense.The wise
Don't need pacifiers to stop children from wailing.

Enlightenment becomes a difficult job, for those who
Lose their shine, and like pale ghosts flit around,
Anxious to complete their tasks before bells ring.
They are surely not cut out to edify others if 
They can't do it with verve, you know who!

So don't lose your magic dear friends and fire
Minds with knowledge and wisdom as you stroll.
Let not your work pull you down, let joy pervade
You to impress others with panache unrivalled.
To teach is to edify and to edify is to inspire.

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