Monday 27 November 2023

CBSE Grade 12 English Literature Revision Questions and Answers from Vistas

Section C Literature Vistas Revision  Questions                                                 Total 30 Marks


Read the given extracts and answer questions for ALL THREE.                      12 Marks

1. I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking-dream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity,fear,war,worry and all the rest of it, and that I just wanted to escape.Well, who doesn’t?                                                                                          1X4=4 Marks

 i) Who is ‘I’ and whom is he talking to?

 ii) The phrase, ‘waking dream wish fulfillment’ is best represented in which of the following options?

a)       a dream come true

b)      a nightmare

c)       a fantasy

d)      a dream seen on waking up

 iii) What is the best explanation for why his wife became ‘kind of mad’?

a)       She believed ‘he’ accused her of being the cause of the narrator’s unhappiness.

b)      She believed she was being blamed for the narrator’s unhappy marriage.

c)       Both a) and b) are correct

d)      None of the above statements is correct.

 iv) According to ‘He’, the speaker was trying to escape from the world because it is full of ________

          (any two words).

 2. The Chief Astrologer took off his spectacles and gazed intently at the baby. “All those who are born will one day have to die. We don’t need your predictions to know that. There would be some sense in it if you could tell us the manner of that death.”                                                                      1X4=4 Marks

i)                    The speaker in these lines is ____________________

ii)                   ‘You’ in these lines is __________________

iii)                 The speaker of these lines, stunned everyone by _________________

a)       his looks

b)      raising his finger

c)       asking intelligent questions

d)      speaking about the manner of his death

iv)                 Which of the following words does not define the word ‘prediction’?

a)       forecast

b)      prophecy

c)       foretell

d)      doubtful

3. Days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving ice sheets consecrates the place. It is an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. And for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.

                    i)What is it that makes the place ‘surreal’?

a)       The place looks like a ping pong ball.

b)      The place is full of trees and billboards.

c)       The place is surrounded by rivers and lakes.

d)      The place is bathed in sunlight 24 hours.

ii)      Fill in the blank with the correct answer.  

       The place mentioned in the extract is__________________

           iii)    What is the tone in the above extract?

a)       Humorous

b)      Ironical

c)       Grave

d)      Pensive

           iv)   Explain in your own words why for ‘humans the prognosis isn’t good.’

                  Attempt ANY 4 of the following in 40 to 50 words each.                   2X4=8 Marks


i)                    Why did Charley’s Psychiatrist friend buy eight hundred dollars’ worth of old-style bills?

ii)                   Do you think the third level was a medium of escape for Sam? Why?

iii)                 How does Charley’s stamp collection provide a temporary refuge for him?

iv)                 Was Charley able to buy tickets for Galesburg? Support your answer with evidence from 

                the text.

v)                   Who was the Tiger King? How does he get that name?

vi)                 Why did the Tiger King send fifty diamond rings to the wife of the British Officer?

vii)               How did the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram’s arm get infected with suppurating sores?

viii)              What is the purpose behind the Students on Ice program?

ix)                 Describe ‘the parable of the phytoplankton’?

x)                   Why is Antarctica the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can  

              have big repercussions?


       Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each.      2X5=10 Marks

1.      How does Kalki employ the literary device of dramatic Irony in the story Tiger King to expose the conceit of those in power?

2.      Draft a diary entry describing how the tiger king’s bullet missed its mark and you had to shoot the tiger at point-blank range. You are the hunter who shot dead the last live tiger the maharaja would see before his death.

3.      On behalf of Sam, write an analysis of why you believe Charley was dreaming about the third level.

4.      You are Charley. Write a letter to your friend, Kevin who lives in England describing the third level of the Grand Central railway station.

5.      How is Antarctica an important repository of the geological history of our planet?

6.      You are Tishani Doshi. Write an article about How  ‘Human Civilization managed to create a ruckus imposing its dominance over Nature.’                                                                                                                                                                   







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