Friday, 3 November 2023

Indian Grey Hornbills Spotted at S.N.Park

A Pair of Harnbills shares a candid moment.

There is a National Park close to where I live that turns out surprises every time I visit it. Whether it is about spotting a new pack of jackals merging into the background of straw-coloured grass or even an elusive Grey Francolin spotted from the corner of the eyes. The best of my spotting is of the Indian Grey Hornbill birds that seem to be living fossils some kind of prehistoric birds, cousins of the Pterodactyls. The male has a large casque on a dark bill while the female has a smaller casque. The female has a more yellowish bill. Spotting a single Hornbill might be rare enough but spotting a pair, if not two pairs, is rarer still!

A Grey Francolin scurries into the bushes.

Spotting a pack of Jackals is a rare occurrence since they are timid but curious animals that do not like to show themselves. I have noticed how these Jackals often maintain a distance from human beings and yet will stand and look at us probably expecting to be fed.

A pack of Jackal relaxes in the sun.

However, this blog is not about the various animals and birds spotted in situ but rather about the  Hornbills that I was able to photograph! 

A Pair of Grey Hornbill Birds

These Hornbill Birds have large beaks-must be difficult to carry!

Hornbill birds are Arborial in nature.

Scouting for the person with the camera?

Say Cheese!

It was, indeed a moment worth recording. Hornbills are rarely spotted for the very reason that the colour of their plumage makes it difficult to spot them in the branches of trees. Their behaviour, the way that they regarded each other was something that had to be recorded, apologies to the birds for poking into their existence.

A Painted Stork comes in to land

Painted Storks are less subtle as compared to Hornbills. They are noisy, and quarrelsome and can be found in large numbers, perched on treetops, wading through mud or even ambling around looking for a quick bite. Cormorants are graceful birds that can be found sunning themselves when not feeding or flying around.

Painted Storks are noisy birds but fly gracefully!

Graceful flight


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