Thursday 1 August 2024

Broken Paragraphs-A Poem

 Broken Paragraphs

Broken paragraphs, disjointed sentences, erratic thoughts,
Rattle in an article that should have flowed smoothly like
The tones of a flute wafting in the cool morning breeze of
A spring morning! A copycat job that looks tacky and bad.

Crossed out words, sentences, and paragraphs, create an
Eyesore that hurts the eye! Unfortunately in a world of
Technology nothing remains of creativity and art, perfect
Like the cogs in a machine but lacking in inspiration!

Broken paragraphs, hanging sentences, erratic thoughts,
Rattle in a speech that would have flowed like the sweet
Notes of a flute, to enthrall the listener into rapt attention,
As the speaker moves up and down the tone of thoughts.

Disconnected transitions, poor word choice,  multiple voices
(that belong to numerous unknown contributions), spoil a debate
That was meant to thunder like a cannon, thus driving a point
Home, to make the listeners wake up from their slumber!

Why, oh why do we have to lean on technology and AI to
Create our articles, speeches, and debates if all it requires is
An understanding of how to write? Why do we need others
To express our thoughts knowing that our minds are our own?

Why do we need crutches and wheelchairs even though we are
Capable of walking on our own? Why are we becoming helpless
And dependant, like infants too young to do their own stuff? If
Only we could stand up and walk the path of creativity and art.

Our paragraphs, articles, speeches, and debates might become
Works of art, sleek and swift, flowing like the scent of musk in
The cool spring air. If only we could learn grammar and the art of
Expression, rather than picking up sentences from here and there.

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