Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A Photograph for You! A poem

I took a photograph of a smiling child,
Thinking that I would capture that smile forever!
Then I saw a blushing rose and
Captured it for you!

I thought I would brighten your day,
With a photograph of the mountains, covered
With snow, the warm glow of the sun
Glinting on the snow!

For, to bring a smile on your lips
Is my wish, that you may appreciate what God
Has made, for us. I saw some children at
Play and thought you’d like it.


I saw a dog at a railway platform,
Little  bothered was he, about my religion or
Yours. Therefore took I his snap, that
I might  ask,why do people fight so much?


So, did I take all those snaps,
That I might  make you happy! To share
My joy with you, is all I wish!
Therefore, have I captured, moments in time,
All for you!

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