Wednesday 19 June 2024

Celebrating Father's Day at The Church of The Epiphany, Gurgaon

Father's Day was celebrated at the Church of the Epiphany on the 16th of June. The day also marked the conclusion of the Vacation Bible Study workshop for Sunday School Children of the church and its sister church, the Sadhu Sundar Singh Church at Sohna. The church was packed with people and extra seating had to be arranged.

Mass was conducted by none other than three ministers, Revd. Prateek Pillay, the presbyter in charge, Revd. Dr. Samuel Richmond Saxena, Dean, Caleb Institute, Furrukhnagar and Revd. Vikar Mall from the Sahdu Sundersingh Church, Sohna.

The programme was led by Mr. Dipender Benjamin. The Sunday school children sang several hymns and spiritual songs that had the gathering spellbound. Lunch was served at the end of the service. I have shared a few photographs of the day. A special thanks to Mr. Sunil Sannoo, Hon. Secy. of the Pastorate committee, Mr. Dinesh Masih, Hon. Treasurer of  the Pastorate Committee, Mrs. Jyoti Sannoo, overall in Charge of the Sunday School, Mrs. Neelima Thomas of the WFCS, Mr. Robin Moses for handling the catering and lunch requirements, and there are quite a few names that I have not mentioned but are the reason why we had such an amazing mass!

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