Wednesday 19 June 2024

Greater Flamingos of Gurgaon

These photographs were taken of a flock of Greater Flamingos that had once landed at the erstwhile Basai Wetland, a once important Bio-diversity hotspot for migratory birds including a few important native birds. These photographs were taken exactly two years ago in the month of June. Today, the Basai Wetland in Gurgaon has been reclaimed for development activities. A flyover bisects it into two and the rest of the ponds have been filled up. It is bounded on one side by the Dwarka Expressway. I am glad to have photographed the last visitors at the location.

This post is dedicated to all the Greater Flamingos I have photographed till now. The latest photographs were taken at the Najafgarh Lake from the Haryana side, namely the Chandu Budhehra side. The birds were spotted at great distance and so they are not very clear. Unfortunately, my 70-300 mm lens was not good enough! 

Greater Flamingos are some of the graceful larger migratory birds that have been visiting some of the few remaining wetlands in Gurgaon. They will soon disappear from the region as the remaining wetlands give way to developmental projects. Unplanned development, demand for space to build homes and offices have taken a toll on the wildlife in the region. 

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