Saturday 3 October 2020

Spot-Billed Ducks at Play (At the Basai Wetland)


Yesterday while I was on the way back from the Basai Wetland in Gurgaon disappointed that I had not spotted any large birds, I was arrested by the sight of a flock of Spot-Billed ducks alighting on the water to join the rest of the flock. Since I had already packed my kit, I was in a tizzy and struggled to get my camera out. Of course I had been testing the Canon 70-300 mm USM lens so I needed to get something to show!

It was a joy to see such a large flock of ducks playing together. Some of them began chasing each other while others simply stretched their wings, I guess to take out the fatigue from a long flight. Though the ducks were at a great distance, the 70-300 mm USM lens did a great job and I was pleased with the results.

The true size of Spot-Billed Ducks becomes apparent when they stretch their wings out like the one did in the above photographs. If that was not enough, the ducks went around in groups diving in the water, looking for fish I guess.