Where Are Notices Posted?
1. School Notice-Boards
2. Public Notice-Boards
3. Newspapers
4. Prominent Public Places.
The Formal Notice includes the following elements:
- Name of Organization (for official notices only)
- The Word NOTICE in block capitals
- Date (Adjacent to the announcement or below the announcement)
- Announcement
- Body including 1. announcement of the event 2. date, time, venue 3. important
information or instructions 4. name of the person to be contacted for further
6. Signature, Name and Official Designation of the issuer of the Notice.
Example 1
Example 3 (lost school bag)
(Example 5 Notice for an apartment society board)
Note: Notices are placed within a box.
A few questions for practice are given below:
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You don't write a catchy announcement, just Annual Day Function will do, Uday!